‘Fab Find’ of the week!

In a busy world, we run rampant across town dropping kids off, picking them up again, going to work, dealing with the office snitch (or rhymes with snitch…), not getting that pay rise, cooking/burning dinner, looking for the odd socks monster etc. If you like the idea of meditating but can’t seem to switch off, have you tried staring at a pendulum? No, I don’t mean going to a shrink and crying on a plush sofa. I mean actually taking whatever time you were going to spend trying to quietly meditate with all your good intentions and instead gaze at the beautiful creations that a Foucault’s Pendulum creates in front of you. This may be what you’ve been looking for!

All your hipster friends have been talking about how they meditate quietly for 20-30-60 minutes everyday and you can’t crack 2 without writing a shopping list? Fear not! The Foucault’s Pendulum will keep you focused long enough to forget about your troubles and give the water cooler snitch some healthy competition…now that you have your healthy zen mind thinking up those sarcastic witty comebacks.

They start from around $34.95 (google them) or buy them from the Australian Geographic Shop here.

Foucault’s Pendulum